- News Releases Honda Powersports

Monday, November 29, 2010

VT250F model kits: UPDATE

Well the first of the two models is completed and I have to say it turned out pretty good. I was rather surprised by the detail involved since this is the first 1/12 scale model I have done in a long time. I decided to paint it red as thats the colour my real life VT250FII will be painted. The decals however were not applied, as i have cunning plan to sue them as a reference for a graphic artist to scale them up and tweak them ever so slightly (when I eventually get around to working on Red that is.. honest).

"i rather like it without graphics :s"

One model kit down, one more to go.

1 comment:

  1. pls help me..i do not understand the setting of honda vt 250f timing pls sand me chart of timing
