- News Releases Honda Powersports

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tips and Tricks #1

Hey all just thought I might list a few things that you may or may not find useful.
  • Put a small amount of oil around the edge of your hoses if your having trouble getting them to fit.
  • Hose clamps sometimes interfere while lining things up, if this happens reposition them slightly, it can help a lot.
  • Drain your fluids before taking parts off, unless you like having liquid all over your floor.
  • Wash your hands immediately after you finish up with brake fluid... and wash your clothes as soon as possible. That stuff is not friendly to you, clothes or even paint for that matter.
  • If your getting frustrated over something walk away for 10 minutes.
  • Never ride a llama on a sunday especially if your wearing a straw hat.
  • WD40 is a great way to help those stubborn bolts turn.
  • Sitting on the motorcycle and going VROOM VROOM is an excellent way to re motivate yourself if things aren't going well.
  • Use a wire brush and some rust stopper on any metal work that is in the early stages of rusting out. But make sure you wipe away the rust stopper with a damp cloth after 3 minutes.
  • If you can re use bolts DO IT. they may not be all shiny and new, but they add a certain character to your bike... plus your not spending a small fortune on replacing every single nut and bolt.
  • Tidy up when your finished. 

Thats it for now... These little nuggets of wisdom are brought you by trial and error. Mostly error though.

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