- News Releases Honda Powersports

Saturday, January 29, 2011

VT250F "Silver" part 11: mudguard, rearsets and fixing a crack!

Ok so for the next couple of posts their is no video. This is due to a couple of reasons, but the main one is the heat! in WA it is hot! The heat in the shed in WA is hotter and actually makes it difficult for the camera to function. So I apologise for this but luckily I took plenty of photo's! NOW ONTO THE POST!

Fighting boredom is relativly easy when you have an unfinished project sitting in a shed. So The day started cleaning and attaching some small pices back to the frame, making sure whatever was put on didnt interfere with the eventual re instilation of the engine.

First to go back on where the rearsets which also double as a mounting point for the mufflers. They were given a quick clean first using the hot water and detergant technique, made to look somewhat respectable and then using two hex screws apiece reattached.

"gives you an idea of how dirty these parts can get after years of road use"

"back where it belongs"

Next the mudguard... well the part of it I like anyway. This attaches to the frame using four bolts and a clip system. The tricky part was lining up the holes for the bolts, while balancing the piece on the tyre. But once you have things lined up and the first bolt in its a piece of cake.


A crack was noticed while attaching the mudguard to the frame though. It just so happenes Dad knows the perfect solution to fixing a crack in plastic, especially if it doesnt have to look pretty. Firstly clean the area using metho or paint thinners. Secondly line the two sides of the crack together so they are even. Then finally use use some silastic (we used Form-A-Gasket) and spread it over the side of the crack that will not be visible. Let it dry and then TA DA. The crack problem is solved.

"after the area has been wiped down"

"applying the silastic"

"problem solved"

While I was working on the frame, the seat clips where also reattched, and so to were the handle bars with the brake and clutch master cylinders.


Until next time!

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